Please Note The LANDTAXFORUM also has current data on Sydney regional Council’s and coastal Council . The Council’s have been most supportive with few exceptions “Gosford” who refuses to provide data.
Some 08/09 Data Comparing – State Land Tax with Council Land Rates.
Why are all past and current New South Wales Parliamentarians SILENT ,about State Treasury Agenda to undermine existing use of Freehold land ?????
Why a comparison of State land tax and Council Land tax “Rates”?
Both land taxes are imposed on Freehold land redevelopment value [existing use disregarded] and imposed by the Valuer General, bound to apply the same “statutory mass valuation methodology” to both .
For State land taxing the valuations are annual. For Councils every 3 years.
Council ‘Rates” revenues have been pegged to Cost Price Index , primarily because the NSW State Government is aware two unpegged land Taxes would expose State land Tax agenda to undermine existing use of freehold land
NSW Labor Government altered Council land tax ‘Rate Pegging” by transfering Ministerial approval to government appointed panel known as I.P.A.R.T [ Who have advocated unpegging Council ‘Rates” aware it would be a disaster tar for existing use of Freehold land ]
In 2006 NSW state government increased State land tax 20% in 2006, and a further 20% in 2008 when total liable land value exceeds $2.25 million further targeting Freehold Land especially if used as exclusively rental housing
Small business that required a freehold site [ EG High Street Shopping and industrial land ]
To deliver BSW State land tax agenda the State Treasury ruthlessly exploits the Mss Valuation methodologythat was only intended intended to set land values for Council land tax ‘Rates” Council’s are statute bound to apply the same tax ‘Rates”
to ALL FREEHOLD LAND in the same category . NOT State Land Tax it taxes land selectively to deliver it’s agenda to undermine existing use and promote subdivision into numerous strata lots ,that generates and co,pounds state property taxes.
State land Tax agenda to undermine Freehold land existing use ” State Treasury calls Town Planning and treasury finger-prints are all over The Current O’Farrells Liberal Government”
” State land tax has the POLITICIANS GAG IMPOSED to both current and past State Politicians, because , State Land Tax funds Parliamentary Pensions .”
Example How ruthless UNPEGGED State land Tax is imposed compared to PEGGED council land tax ‘Rates” and nothing but SILENCE from current and past New South Wales State Parliamentarians
Council Land Tax ‘Rates” income
Council land tax ‘Rate” revenue from 32480 residential properties was = $14,445,047.0
Council land tax ‘Rate” revenue from 3789 commercial/industrial properties was = $ 9,523,020. 0
Total Number of properties 36269. All Properties gross revenue was = $23,968,067.0
By comparison State Land tax revenue
State LandT Tax revenue from | 5711 | residential rental properties was = | $24,618,000.00 |
State Land Tax revenue from | 2176 | commercial/industrial properties was = | $16,810,229.00 |
Total number of properties | 7887 | All properties gross revenue was = | $41,428,229.00 |
An example exposes how determined the State government is to undermine Rental Housing and Small business use of Freehold land
FURTHER EXAMPLES SHOWING The extent State Land Tax exceeds the Council land tax ‘”Rates” [expressed as a percentage]
In 2008 and not ONE POLITICIAN QUESTIONED WHY? { However we know why]
North Sydney SLT exceeds the residential rate on freehold land by | 2177% | Business by | 301% |
Mosman SLT exceeds the residential rate on freehold land by | 2204% | Business by | 577% |
Willoughby SLT exceeds the residential rate on freehold land by | 1099% | Business by | 178% |
Warringah SLT exceeds the residential rate on freehold land by | 766% | Business by | 313% |
CJ (Mike) Danzey
From: Mike Danzey
Certified Real Estate Valuer.
Date: 19 May 2010 7:46:32 PM
To: All Tenants and property Owners in New South wales struggling to maintain rental housing and small business that requires a Freehold Site.