March 2011
Hon Tony Kelly
Minister for Lands
Minister for Local government
Dear Minister
Alienation of parkland – Moriah College, Queens Park
As the responsible Minister, you recently announced the sale of approximately 18 acres of Crown land at Queens Park, Sydney, to Moriah College (or its nominee).
We are confounded as to why this strategic parcel of land was, for the first time since colonization, sold out of public ownership. It appears to be a classic case of “selling the family jewels” for a shortsighted and short-term financial gain and, given the timing of the sale, political gain.
We understand the history of the site as follows:
During 1920–30’s the growth of Waverley Municipality and adjoining areas produced a need for a Public Hospital. Following public consultation, a portion of Centennial Park/Queens Park was excised and about one third of this site used for the Eastern Suburbs Public Hospital. The residue of the site remained in its natural state.
About 20 years ago, Moriah College obtained a grant of a Crown long-term lease (99 years?) over about one half of the site for a private high school. About 10 years ago, the College obtained a further Crown long-term lease over another one third of the site for a private primary school. The leases were granted without a shred of community consultation or prior notice.
The Keneally State Government has now sold this huge parcel of strategically-located Public land, thus removing it from public use and access forever. Disgracefully, it was done without a scintilla of public consultation or prior notice and with the knowledge that the Waverley and Woollahra Municipalities have no public high schools and there is a critical shortage of publick high schools in Randwick Municipality.
Clearly, the land was originally intended as parkland in perpetuity.
Attached is an article from the Sydney Morning Herald indicating that the State Government proposes changes to “Special uses” zoning. In light of the proposed changes, what covenants did the State Government attach to this sale to prohibit the site being used for any use other than educational purposes to secondary school level? Without safeguards, the site may be intensively developed for commercial purposes.
The community is entitled to, and deserves, a full explanation as to:
- Why and how this site was sold and access to full details of all negotiations thereon.
- Why the site was forever removed from public use; and
- Why, potentially, it is open to further intensive development.
What is next to be sold, and commercially exploited, Mr Kelly? Land currently used as State schools?. Land used for purposes that the community considers sacrosanct, protected by planning restrictions, and taxation exemptions? It appears even these lands are threatened by a concerted and virtually manic development push that all freehold land be developed into strata subdivisions.
Will Labor be campaigning on a policy of conversion of public land to private ownership for intensive and unsympathetic development as well as open slather on development of private land?
Your early response would be appreciated.
Mike Danzey
Bronte, and Tamarama Advancement Society (1971)